Journaling Benefits and Inspiration: Journal Writing For Beginners
Find out the benefits of journal writing and get inspiration to start journaling. Here are the best tips and ideas for beginners to know how to start a journal and the things to write in it.
“I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.”
– Anne Frank
Ever since I can remember, I have kept a diary/journal. I never really kept it as a daily journal, but just to write in it whenever something bothered me. My grandfather bought me my first diary with a lock and key from Claire’s. It was a pink, furry one (Yes, really. I chose it myself – #noregrets) that had something along the lines of “Keep your hands off MY DIARY!” embroidered on it. I vaguely remember him telling me to write my secrets/thoughts in it and keep it safe.
After that, I never looked back. I fell in love with expressing my feelings through writing. I have kept various journals over the years, and my love for writing has also resulted in two blogs.
I believe journaling is the most cathartic experience any human being can give themselves. Whether you have considered keeping a personal journal before, or never even thought about it, I hope this post inspires you to do so.
Your Own Little Happy Place:
“Fill your paper with the breathings of your heart.”
– William Wordsworth
Imagine having a place where you could unleash all the fleeting thoughts of your mind – good, bad, fearful, beautiful – without any judgements or interruptions. You can make it your own little happy place. And now imagine looking through all the places you’ve been mentally, all the things you’ve thought, throughout your life. You can have a record of your mind for the rest of your life. Or hey, if you never want to read those things again, you can release them into your journal, tear the page and throw it away. That’s the beauty of the experience of journaling. It can be whatever you need it to be.
There is no place like a journal. Always available, always selflessly ready for you when you need a change of environment and need some catharsis. You can make this space whatever you need it to be. And it’s always there whenever you need to turn to it. You will always leave this happy place feeling lighter.
Image credit: Aaron Burden, Unsplash
It’s Where Ideas Are Born:
“Keep a notebook. Travel with it, eat with it, sleep with it. Slap into in every stray thought that flutters up in your brain.”
– Jack London
So many ideas are birthed in a journal. You never know which thought can spark something new. As you write, you are taken on a journey. You just don’t know of your destination until you’re there.
Some time after you fill a journal, you may look back on it and find a new idea for a venture, or book or a project. You just never know. It’s so helpful to keep a record of even your seemingly silliest ideas.
You can take your journal everywhere with you. Don’t let a single nagging thought escape you. Scribble in it, doodle in it; let it live life with you. And when it’s full, look through it and be amazed at how fascinating you find it, even though you put everything in there yourself.
Then, start another.
It’s Your ‘No-Judgement’ Zone:
“In the journal I am at ease.”
– Anais Nin
Once you start writing in a journal - without any judgements about yourself – you will be surprised at how much better and lighter you feel on a daily basis. It’s the same concept of “writing a letter to a person you’re angry with, but never sending it.” It’s all about venting – releasing – catharsis.
It’s quite therapeutic to sort out your thoughts with so much detail and know that there’s no judgement. It’s like you’re writing to another person, but that person is your journal, and there is absolutely no opinion from the other side. It’s better than just thinking or talking to yourself, because when you’re writing, you are forced to slow down and get into more detail, and think more clearly. It’s honestly unlike anything else.
Most likely, when you flip through a complete journal, you will feel pride and love for yourself. You’ll be able to see your progress as a human being, and how you’ve evolved. It’s an indescribable feeling to look back on previous phases of your life and see how you became who you are now.
Image credit: Becky Fantham, Unsplash
More Motivation:
I encourage you to try it out. There are absolutely no rules. It’s just a new experience to try. You don’t have to commit to writing something everyday. Just have a little notebook handy for whenever you feel like scribbling something in it.
I have a personal goal of filling as many journals as possible with my brain-dumps. Words, sketches, scribbles, doodles, nonsense, poetry, photographs, and anything else I can think of. The possibilities are endless. I’ll let you know how this goal comes along. Just the idea of filled notebooks with creative ideas, thoughts, feelings, recorded experiences, etc. is so exciting to me.
I hope you feel inspired to keep a journal of your own. I can tell you from personal experience that it makes life a lot easier to deal with. It frees your mind so you no longer need to carry all those thoughts and fears.
If you’re interested in taking this further, I have written another post on How To Start Journaling: Tips For Beginners. Give it a read. It’s intended to help you set out with the right expectations and intentions to make your journaling experience easiest and most enjoyable.