How To Better Your Mental Health - Ways To Improve It
These are some of the best tips and ideas for ways to improve your mental health. Here are some things to do to better your mental health and take care of your mind while isolating at home in 2020 and 2021.
Oh I sooo love this topic. One does not have to have a so-called ‘mental issue’ in order to maintain and improve our mental health. I believe these tips can benefit one and all regardless of any mental issues.
One of the definitions of the brain is, ‘the organ inside the head that controls movement, thought, memory and feeling.’ Ref: Oxford Learner’s Dictionaries
According to the Cambridge Dictionary, it is ‘the part of a person that makes it possible for him or her to think, feel emotions, and understanding things.’
So here I am choosing the word feeling which is an important aspect for all of us as we are all ‘feeling beings’.
Throughout my life I have found myself being attracted to doing things that give me happiness, help me to remain joyful, be in a peaceful space and loving excitement always. I am assuming that there are many like me out there. All our lives we want to avoid sorrows, we fear struggles and are anxious about challenges.
There are a lot of theories and schools of thought that exist, regarding why there are struggles and grief in life. Some say that these are just events based on the choices that we as individuals make, and we as ‘collective beings’ (as the human race) choose. Some believe that there is more to it than that. It could also be a result of our past lives actions (choices) that we continue to face in this life too. Regardless, we all know that what we are facing in this life is sometimes challenging and not a ‘yummy’ place to be in, and we yearn to be out of it asap.
In line with the worldwide mental health awareness campaign, I would like to share a few tips on how to improve one’s mental health. But, before I do so, I would like to share the following things to remember:
Image credit: Madison Inouye, Pexels
Things To Remember:
These are a few things that have worked for me all my life.
- This shall also pass. Nothing is permanent. Everything changes.
Regardless of the nature of the challenge, I have always remembered what my little sister had taught me when we were teenagers. Always believe that ‘this shall also pass’. It has to! Why? Because movement is inevitable! Everything moves and changes. Pain is never forever!
Our reality is always changing. No? Look at your reality when you were a kid, a teenager and now. What all has changed? Yes, there is a lot that we feel that we cannot control, yet there is a lot that we CAN control. We can control our NOW.
I can control how I react to a situation.
I can control whether to allow a situation to make me feel and act in a certain way.
I can choose ‘how long do I wish to allow a circumstance to lead me’ or when do I put my foot down and say ‘enough! I will have it no more.’
I can choose when to opt to change whatever I can change.
Isn’t this true for you too? So, we are the creators of our NOW in some way!
Notice that when a situation becomes too much for you to manage, you find yourself acknowledging that and then saying ‘that’s it – no more.’ You also find yourself desiring a change and you find yourself taking small-small steps towards that desired change. Nothing is permanent – everything moves/changes. Change/movement is the effervescence of life and that is a truth or law of life.
- What else is possible here that I am not seeing?
The other tool that works is to ask this question ‘What else is possible here?’
I am so grateful for my sister for introducing this concept to me when she was an Access Consciousness Facilitator. She taught me how to always go into a questioning mode instead of a conclusion mode. Nothing is possible here would be a conclusion whereas being in the question: what else is possible here? is not a conclusion. Here you are open to seeking a solution.
So, whenever I find myself stuck with no solution at sight, I think – ‘what else is possible here that I am not seeing? What else is possible here?’ and I continue with my daily work. Soon I stumble upon or think of more possibilities. Beacuse, you know what? There are endless possibilities in life!
Things We Can Do To Improve Our Mental Health:
- Talk to someone you trust and who will listen:
Talking and sharing one’s feelings, fears and concerns always helps. Talk to people who inspire you, not the people who instill more fear into you or those that always put you down. It is always best to seek professional guidance if you have no one to around.
There are a lot of toll-free emergency numbers these days also where you can call during dire and desperate situations. Someone is always ready to listen. You may search online for a mental health toll free contact in your country. Keep it handy so you can recommend it to someone who may need it.
If you are based in the UAE, call 800 Hope (4673)
Image credit: Dustin Belt, Unsplash
- Do or choose things that feel light:
Avoid things that make you feel uneasy and heavy inside. Instead, do things that make you feel light, easy and happy. Anything that feels like heavy energy and your head and heart becomes heavy – avoid it. Go with what feel light inside, brings a smile within because that choice many-a-times is the best choice for you.
You can try during making simple decisions such as ‘should I wear this yellow shirt or this brown shirt?’ Feel what feels lighter within - Feel it. If it is feels heavy in your head or heart – chuck it!
- Do an act of kindness, love and compassion:
By this you are be-ing kind, be-ing love and be-ing compassionate.
This make you feel good inside and immediately puts you in a better place.
- Eat well, stay hydrated and exercise/walk:
One way to ensure that you feel good is to eat right and healthy. Movement is also key. A lot has been said on this and there are a lot of online articles that are around for you to choose to get started; be it walking indoors or outdoors, doing yoga, learning to dance, doing light stretching exercises.
- Writing helps:
For me, as if you couldn’t tell by now, writing always helps. I find writing therapeutic. Mind maps also help.
Try keeping a journal or a diary to record all good stuff. All negative writings for instance can be dumped on paper and torn up into shreds later. Why store unpleasant stuff?
- Simplify the problem:
‘Simplify the problem as simple’ is the new mantra. Break the complicated problem into small parts and then address them. This always helps. I find clarity when I break my problems into smaller issues and tackle them.
- List your blessings:
Have you heard of count your blessings? It works. More and more people are realizing the power of gratitude. So count your blessings. List a few things daily you are grateful for in your life – be it your favourite pen, book, your bed, your house, your best friend, your favourite song, your fav food for existing, your pet, for being alive, your desires to exist as they become reality eventually – yes they do – there are a lot of testimonies around. Write them down.
- Time out/change is important:
‘Give me a break man’ – yes that’s when you really need to stop or pause and take a breather. Do something different. Change is important to pause, rest and reset.
- Meditate:
Meditation helps in calming your nerves and helping you reach a peaceful place. To start on meditation, there are a lot of guided meditation videos on YouTube for you to choose from.
Try following Coach Saloni Suri on Instagram, facebook or on YouTube. There, Saloni Suri teaches you meditation regularly. I always find myself learning something new every time, as she shares some new fact about our brains before she starts every mediation. It is short and very easy to do. I love it.
Image credit: Prasanth Inturi, Pexels
- Sleep:
Get enough sleep at night . Don’t sleep enough and see how that makes you feel. Not a ‘yummy’ place, I am sure!
- Goals:
Set small-small realistically achievable short-term goals and reward yourself and celebrate once you achieve them. This makes you feel good about yourself and gives you that confidence – ‘If I could do this, I can surely attempt that too’.
- List out a few things that you like about yourself:
Don’t compare yourself with anyone. Be YOU. Each one of us is unique in our own way, and there is a reason why we are made the way we are. Appreciate yourself just the way you are. Believe me, what works in life is being genuine. People see through fake-ness. You will easily connect with people who are genuine because it feels genuine to you, isn’t it?
- Do at least one new thing every day:
Newness brings in new energy in your life and breaks the monotony. Do something new during the day. Go out for a walk, or watch an online video, or do something new. For instance, make your favourite simple food, or plant a seed or watch a drawing tutorial and attempt something simple. Get inspired by watching some inspirational videos online.
What I do is…. (don’t laugh), I decide that today I will do everything differently. So, I get up from bed at a different time. Will actually get up from the bed in a different manner too (let your imagination go wild hahaha), will not follow the usual pattern i.e. look at my messages on the phone. I will leave my phone and go and play with my dog. Then during the day, I will forget that this was my plan, hahaha. But when I do remember, I will do something different in the afternoon - perhaps sit in a new place with my lap top, make myself a different drink; I may call up someone I have not touched base with for long (this is rare), make an effort to make a new acquaintance when out for a walk or just shut up and walk listening to my audio book (on audible – Oh! I soooo love this app). Try it out if you haven’t. You will never be alone. I listen to it while driving, sometimes while running errands at home too. There are so many inspiring and motivating people out there sharing interesting experiences via books. Sometimes this is the extra boost that I need to charge myself up!
- Sing or dance when no one is watching you:
Speaks for itself, doesn’t it? Do it just because you can!
Image credit: Andrea Piacquadio, Pexels
- Read inspiring articles:
These can really inspire and motivate me into action. I want to share something with you that I came across online and liked it a lot. Try it. I am sure it will help if we CHOOSE to do it. It’s a 30 days mental health challenge. Each one is so easy to do. I loved Day 26 – I felt empowered doing it. I also enjoyed doing Day 28 and day 1 and 2 and 3….You get the drift, don’t you?
Here it is - Good HouseKeeping
Entertain Yourself
I could go on and on but you have other things to do too.
So I will stop now and let you explore how you can entertain yourself and keep your mental health, healthy.
Take care!
And if you can’t think of anyone else to talk to, you have us! - Contact us.