Best Simple Self Care Routine Ideas to Practice at Home
Here is a list of easy self care ideas to add to your daily or weekly routine. The best, simple DIYs and unique ways to plan your routine and practice self-care at home.
I’m really glad that the world is opening up to a more ‘self-care’ way of life. It’s great to see so many people prioritizing taking care of themselves, both physically and mentally. Gone are the days of prioritizing everything above yourself and your well-being.
But to shed those old habits of working until you’re burnt-out, we need to make conscious choices. I love looking up self-care ideas that I can incorporate into my daily life. I’m so grateful to all the people that not only share these ideas, but also show us how they are taking better care of themselves everyday, to inspire the rest of us.
What I’ve realized is that most of us have forgotten how beneficial the absolute basics can be in taking better care of ourselves. So many of the most essential self-care methods are so simple and easy to add to our routines. All we have to do is take the first step of trying, and then reap the amazing benefits.
Today I’m going to share some of my favourite, simple activities that you can add to your life, that will enrich your life and your being everyday.
I truly believe that by adding these activities to your life, you will not only feel better from within, but also function better and be more productive with other things in your life. This is because through these little positive changes that you make, you are recharging and reviving your being so that you are ready for whatever tasks you need to tackle.
To effectively make these changes, and make sure they are long-term lifestyle changes and not just short-term ‘challenges,’ I would suggest making them slowly and with less pressure, over a period of time. Don’t push yourself to make a bunch of changes all at once. That won’t work long-term and will probably just stress you out more. Try to make these changes one at a time, and slowly add them to your daily routine. This way, they just gradually become a part of your life and are there to stay.
Image credit: Hassan OUAJBIR, Pexels
Let’s begin:
If you’ve been following this blog for a while, you know that it’s no surprise that this is my number one self-care activity. I recommend keeping a personal journal/diary to everyone. I believe that it is truly the most cathartic experience.
Now, I know writing isn’t for everyone. But, even if you just write a paragraph a day, about the feelings you’re having, the things you’ve been noticing or just about your day, I think it could still be beneficial.
Here are two posts I’ve written about journaling that could help you if you’re considering this activity:
Image credit: Prophsee Journals, Unsplash
Now, I’m not a dancer by any means. But my favourite way to elevate my mood is to put on my favourite songs and dance by myself in my room/bathroom. I can’t really explain it, to be honest. I just know that this is a sure-fire way of feeling GOOD. It’s just so liberating. Try it! It’s guaranteed to lift your spirits.
Outdoor Exercise - Walk, Run, Ride a Bicycle, Skate:
I’ve only recently started making use of…well, the outdoors. I know everyone says it, but I just always brushed it off because I’m lazy. But recently, I started taking my dog for a walk outside everyday, and he has started taking me on a run, instead. He’s small, but fast. My body is trying to keep up with my dog for the most part, but I’m getting better everyday.
I’m also going to start learning to ride a bicycle. Yes, I’m one of those few adults that doesn’t know how to ride a bicycle. But, not for long!
Update: I’ve learned how to ride a bicycle! It was SO much easier than I expected. Here is my post titled ‘How To Learn To Ride a Bicycle as an Adult - Beginner Tutorial’
So try getting out there and just starting with any activity that you might enjoy! If you can’t think of anything, just go for a walk. Maybe you can put on some music or a nice podcast as you stroll. The light exercise is great for relieving stress and using up adrenaline produced by anxiety. It’s also nice to get some oxygen and have a change of environment for a bit.
Image credit: Sebastian Voortman, Pexels
One of my hobbies is painting. I simply love playing with paint and find it to be a great stress-buster. Even if you’re not much of an ‘artiste’ - I think there’s an artist in each and every one of us - you can still always just play with the colours and smear paint on a canvas or paper. It’s quite therapeutic.
Angel Cards:
Whenever I’m feeling lost or confused, I always take out a deck of angel oracle cards. They always have reassuring messages that can be applied to your situation. Sometimes, even if you don’t have a specific difficult situation in mind, you can just pull out cards for the positive messages that make you feel good.
I like to believe that there are angels everywhere who will give you a message if you ask for it. But even if you’re unsure whether you believe in them or not, you can always just use these cards for reassurance. They still have a positive effect, in my opinion. As you use the cards, you tend to reflect and think. You might realize something new, or find a way forward when faced with an issue. I love that some people call this ‘Angel Therapy,’ because that’s exactly what it feels like.
Image credit: Danielle Rangel, Pexels
Bake Something:
I think baking is so therapeutic. I love the process of measuring the ingredients, mixing after each addition of an ingredient, pouring the batter into a baking tray/mould and then waiting for the oven to ding as the delicious smell of baking fills your home. And then you get to enjoy the results, too!
Here’s my go-to cupcake recipe. Whenever I just want to bake for no specific reason, this is the recipe I use:
Easy and Delicious Vanilla Cupcakes: Baking for Beginners - LogueOnline
Yoga or Light Exercise:
I’m not the kind of person that has a rigid workout routine. It’s awesome if you have one, but if you’re anything like me, you’re looking for something easier but still beneficial. I think looking up yoga tutorials or easy at-home workout routines online can be a great addition to your routine.
These light exercises can be great to slowly get your body into a rhythm of moving and stretching, as often as possible. Like I said earlier, try to not to put too much pressure on yourself. Don’t make self-care unrealistic. Add it into your routine and aim to do it realistically. You know yourself best!
Spend Time With A Pet:
If you have a pet, just be with it. Just spend time in the company of your loving pet. Quietly sit with it and really feel its presence. The realization of all that a pet is and all that it contributes to you is a lovely one.
Play with your pet, train it, talk to it, dance around with it, take care of it - all the things you would/should normally do, but more consciously.
It really is a beautiful experience. Animals are true healers.
Image credit: 2Photo Pots, Unsplash
Meditation can take many forms. For me, writing in my journal is my form of meditation. Yours could be painting, dancing, singing, anything! But sometimes, just sitting and pushing all thoughts out of your mind by focusing on one thing, or one scenario, or any one positive thought, can be so freeing. That form of actual meditation has its own benefits.
There are many guided meditations on youtube where someone takes you through the steps, or even meditation music that you can put on in the background as you try to sit quietly and calmly, whilst trying to quiet your mind.
Eat One Healthy Meal A Day:
I’m a lover of tasty, junk food. But, recently I’ve been trying to achieve a balance in my eating habits. So I’ve made it a point to make sure I eat at LEAST one healthy, not-junk-food meal a day.
This can be a good change for people like me, who are used to the convenience of ordering food from restaurants instead of taking a few minutes to think about what we want to put it in our bodies.
No pressure; just a genuine, small, easy-to-make change that can become a long-term lifestyle.
Also, ‘healthy’ can look different for different people. Just judge and decide for yourself, what a healthy meal would look like for your body. This is about eating a well-balanced, nourishing meal - not one that’s simply low in calories. The goal should be nutrition, not weight-loss.
Read Books:
I’ve recently bought a bunch of books with the intention to become an avid reader. I used to really enjoy reading books when I was younger, and I miss the peaceful feeling of reading. This coming year, I intend to read a ton of books. I’ll let you guys know how I get on with this goal.
I’m interested in fiction/YA novels at the moment, and I’m trying to figure out what kind of stories I enjoy reading. I’ve bought a lot of thrillers/mystery novels and a couple of light-hearted YA books as well. Hopefully, I figure out what I enjoy most.
I’ve been setting aside a window of time in the early evening to read, everyday. No goal of how much to read or how long to read for - just to read. I think it’s so comforting and also great to keep your mind occupied, but in a healthy way. I hope to make reading one of my favourite daily activities soon. I just need to figure out how to not let Netflix distract me. 🤔
That’s all for this post. I hope you feel inspired to make little changes to your routine that could make a world of a positive difference to your life. Let me know which of these you’re most interested to try out and which ones you already have as part of your routine.
Take care of yourself. ♡